The construction of a knowledge representation and its philosophical and pedagogical analysis
Knowledge representation, Rationalism, Interdisciplinarity, TransdisciplinarityAbstract
This article reports the experience of execution of a work proposed by the discipline Knowledge Representation Systems - one of the structural components of the Multi-Institutional and Multidisciplinary PhD in Knowledge Diffusion at the Federal University of Bahia - under a philosophical look that recognizes the process as rationalist and interdisciplinary and transcends it to a transdisciplinary perspective.
Objective: To analyze the proposed work, which in turn was based on the Problem Based Learning (PBL) methodology, from the construction of patterns, through the formalism of Computational Logic, in the Visual Turing software, to the production of artificial evolutions in Mirek's Cellebration software, aiming to detail how a knowledge can be represented.
Methodology: Research of qualitative and descriptive character.
Results: Analyzing the process we can state that we first evolved from a data to a simulated knowledge and this represented a knowledge, but it is necessary to go beyond, seeking then other senses for the representation of a knowledge. We emphasize them from a philosophical, computational and pedagogical point of view, arriving at the attitude of not conforming to a single path - deduction - to represent knowledge. Thus, our deviation is made through the fundamentals of transdisciplinarity.
Conclusions: Seeking a unity based on transdisciplinary education, we conceive that the activity carried out in this discipline allowed us to go beyond mathematical formalism and a computational simulation, even though we emphasize its great importance, since it allowed us to go from a conditioned mind to a creative mind.
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