Visually impaired and information professionals: strategic procedures and proposal to the LTi portal




Visually impaired, Source of information, Indicdiciary method, Laboratory of Intellectual Technologies (LTi)


Introduction: Social inclusion and technological insertion are interconnected actions in the development and support of social minorities, reducing barriers that prevent access to information.
Objective: to identify, on the web, sources of information directed to people with visual impairment and/or interest to information professionals, to prepare a proposal to the LTi Project Virtual Portal to provide information on the thematic “visual impairment”.
Methodology: The investigation is characterized by the indicdict method, the techniques and instruments of data collection included brauseio and use of spreadsheets to record.
Results: The study proposed the organization of content on the LTi DV Portal page, on the LTi Portal with the following categories: Information for the visually impaired; Information for the visually impaired and information professionals; Public utility; Information objects; Communication Space, recreation.
Conclusions: The research was successfully executed, opening possibilities for creating a page called LTi DV that gathers information on the theme, with the expectation of constant updating of content, dissemination of new communications, creations and improvement of assistive technology, as well as access to information, for greater equal opportunities.

Author Biographies

Ana Sara Pereira de Melo Sobral, Instituto Federal Baiano - IFBA

Master in Information Science from the Instituto Federal Baiano - IFBA

Isa Maria Freire, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

PhD in Information Science from the Brazilian Institute for Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia - IBICT



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How to Cite

Sobral, A. S. P. de M., & Freire, I. M. (2020). Visually impaired and information professionals: strategic procedures and proposal to the LTi portal. Informação & Informação, 25(2), 235–257.


