Relationship between mediation and information organization: applied study in library system of the Federal University of Ceará




Information mediation, Information, Information organization, Academic Libraries, Federal University of Ceará


Introduction: This work discusses relational perspectives between Mediation and Information Organization under a plural and integrative perception of these research fields at the University Library environment.
Objective: Investigating the relationship between mediation and information organization from the perceptions of librarians of the Federal University of Ceara.
Methodology: The methodology consists of a descriptiveexploratory research, literature and documentary review of qualitative essence, in addition to the use of questionnaire and content analysis.
Results: The questionnaire was answered by 33 librarians with the following profile: most of them act more strongly with cataloging processes; 76% are satisfied with the Pergamum System within the Organization and Information Representation; 82% are satisfied with the performance of the UFC Library System within the Information Organization; 88% answered which processes of cataloging, indexing and system classification are used at SB/UFC in accordance with existing policies, regardless of whether or not they act in these processes. Regarding knowledge about mediation, 66.7% use their own readings and recommended readings; 66% report the events as a form of incentive and partnership for the development of mediation actions; 90.9% identify activities focused on pedagogical mediation, that are referral service and education of the user as elements of action in the field of information mediation; Regarding the mediation practices that the UFC library system develops, the most prominent are the mediating actions considered traditional: cataloging (51.5%); indexation (48.5%); rating (48.5%).
Conclusions: it can be concluded that the application of mediation in information organization can be thought from the following aspects: Descriptive and Thematic Representation of Information; Signaling; Collection Development Policy; Services; Products; Preservation of memory; Use of virtual resources. Even the union of the listed aspects above expresses a more holistic perception to rethink mediation from the perspective of information organization.


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Author Biographies

Ana Rafaela Sales de Araújo, Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC

Master in Librarianship from the Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCA

Jonathas Luiz Carvalho Silva, Master in Librarianship from the Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCA

PhD in Information Science from the Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA


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How to Cite

Araújo, A. R. S. de, & Silva, J. L. C. (2020). Relationship between mediation and information organization: applied study in library system of the Federal University of Ceará. Informação & Informação, 25(2), 375–402.


