Research informationist: opportunities for librarians in the big data era




Librarian, Research informationist, Infomationist, Data management


Introduction: it presents opportunities for the health sciences librarian to act as a research informationist, in response to the new requirements for the dissemination of research data required by funding agencies and scientific publishers.
Objective: the main objective is the debate on how this professional can contribute to the development of strategies for searching and disseminating data in the Health Sciences area in the Brazilian context.
Methodology: it uses a quasi-systematic review as a research method to present a historical overview of occupation, examine the professional profile in terms of skills and abilities needed to work in the world of work and illustrates some professional experiences documented in the international literature that suggest a trail of good practices that can be applied to the national context. This is an exploratory-descriptive research with a qualitative approach to data analysis and demonstration of results.
Results: it concludes that these professionals act as mediators between clinical teams and specialized and updated information. In addition, they operate at all stages of the research process, providing guidance on formats, publication sources, copyright provisions, and advising on the entire editorial process. However, its main mission is related to improving research data management.
Conclusions: it is concluded that the role of the research informationist allows the librarian to be recognized as a co-producer of health knowledge and to effectively fulfill more active roles in scientific development.


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Author Biographies

Dayanne da Silva Prudencio, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Jorge Calmon de Almeida Biolchini, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia - IBICT

Full Researcher at the Brazilian Institute for Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia - IBICT


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How to Cite

Prudencio, D. da S., & Biolchini, J. C. de A. (2020). Research informationist: opportunities for librarians in the big data era. Informação & Informação, 25(2), 150–177.


