Access to public information in global context: a preliminary view according to the global classification of information right
Access to public information, Right to informationAbstract
Introduction: Created in 2011 by the Center for Law and Democracy, the Global Right to Information Rating is a ranking based on seven aspects: right of access, scope, requisition procedures, exceptions and refusal, appeals, sanctions and protections, promotional measures, to classify access to information in the global context. Objective: To study the issue of access to public information from the quantitative data available in the Global Right to Information Rating. Methodology: A descriptive study of the seven structuring aspects of the methodology of the Global Right to Information Rating to analyze relationships between countries regarding access to information. Results: The collected data show that there is already a significant number of laws on access to information, consequently, the theme is already present on all continents and in several countries. There is a relative difference in the score of the countries within each continent, evidencing an absence of dialogue between neighboring nations. Punctuation distribution is not homogeneous in developed or developing countries. Conclusions: Greater access to public information is not directly linked to the fact that a country has high levels in human development index - HDI. Countries with lower human development indexes have achieved a better classification of access to information in relation to countries with higher development indexes.Downloads
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