Library of the paróquia Nossa Senhora auxiliadora of Londrina: a pilot project
Londrina - Paróquia Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, Biblioteca Paroquial – Informatização, Biblioteca Paroquial - PHL - Personal Home LibraryAbstract
Introduction: The development of Libraries in parishes is a powerful strategy to encourage Bible study, since, available books about christian spirituality can contribute increasingly to improve the knowledge of the parishioners of the church and become your faith stronger.
Objective: To describe the process of creating the Library of the Paróquia Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora of Londrina City, Paraná, as well as the introduction of Personal Home Library - PHL82, which is a web resource developed especially for managing of collections and services of libraries and centers of information.
Methodology: Based on the steps suggested in the literature for the implementation and organization of a library, such as: (1) the selection of documents that make up the collection, consisting primarily of books and DVDs of movies that were donated by the parish priest, (2) the definition of tools, (3) the choice of application, so on.
Results: Several parishioners and volunteers collaborated with the project among them some librarians who volunteered to work in the development of the Library of Paróquia Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora.
Conclusion: The creation of a parish library, is an important example to promote reading and provides support for various activities performed by pastoral movements.
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OLIVEIRA, Elysio Mira Soares de. InfoArte. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 22 set. 2012.
PARÓQUIA NOSSA SENHORA AUXILIADORA. (Londrina, PR). Biblioteca Auxiliadora. [Software PHL: menu inicial]. Londrina: [s.n], 2013. [online]
PERSONAL HOME LIBRARY – PHL. Distribuição e registro.2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 set. 2012.
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