Use of images on the teaching of history: An example with the paintings of Peter Weingärtner




Teaching of Histor, . Images, Representations.


This study aims to understand how the discipline of history can make use of visual sources in the classroom to understanding and reflection of historical events. Therefore, we used, the paintings of artist Pedro Weingärtner (1853 - 1929), which represent the theme of German immigration. Intend to analyze the identity and representation of ethnicity in the paintings contextualizing them to the history of the time. One goal of this research is to develop the skills of reading and interpreting imagery in students and also encourage the discussion of the use of visual sources in the classroom. In this sense, the ability to interpret images and relate them to the historical context is one of the ways to encourage student development of critical, interpretive and transformative capacity of your prórpia reality. These analyzes intend to enhance the dialogue in the classroom and dynamic teaching.


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Author Biography

Cyanna Missaglia de Fochesatto, UNISINOS

Master's student at PPGH at UNISINOS.


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How to Cite

Fochesatto, C. M. de. (2013). Use of images on the teaching of history: An example with the paintings of Peter Weingärtner. História & Ensino, 19(2), 145–162.


