The history of and at Ceará: a methodological reflection on the didactic books (1889 - 1940)




Didactic book, History of Ceará, methodology.


Giving continue the research on Didactic book in Ceará, this article aims to understand the proposed of History of Ceará present in the compendiums of the period from 1889 to 1940, as well as the peculiarities in the treatment with this source of historian, noting the influences present in conception of history in Ceará. So, at first moment us have a discussion the legacy work by the didactic book in historical research, and methodological tracts possible from this font, then present our research object, namely the history books of Ceará, starting from using some of the methods mentioned above. We conclude with a brief presentation of this relationship between this object, the present conception of history and the culture that represents. It was through the cultural history and historiography on the subject that we could work with this perspective and take another step towards reflecting on the methodology to be used for the metier of the historian of education, in order to assist other researchers in perception of various faces of the didactic book as a source and object of research. These reflections are results raised during the research, from which one can conclude that there was a European influence since the yearnings of civilization that guided the historical writing and the need to make a history of Ceará aligned with the overall progress of humanity, even the own conceptions of history present in didactic works that circulated between the period 1889 to 1940, where stood the Institute of History, Anthropology and Geography of Ceará as a memory of where they were produced the works of local history.


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Author Biography

Fátima Maria Leitão Araújo, Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE

PhD in Brazilian Education by the Graduate Program in Education at the Universidade Federal do Ceará -UFC. Professor at the Universidade Estadual do Ceará - UECE.


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How to Cite

Araújo, F. M. L. (2013). The history of and at Ceará: a methodological reflection on the didactic books (1889 - 1940). História & Ensino, 19(2), 39–57.


