Por uma graduação em história crítica e pluralista: reflexões sobre o curso de história da Unicamp





Undergraduate history syllabus, UNICAMP, Critical thinking.


The paper deals with the undergraduate history syllabus at the Campinas State University and in other Brazilian universities. University study must aim at producing knowledge, rather than reproducing it and so the course framework must also aim at fostering critical thinking. The paper then deals with the undergraduate syllabus at UNICAMP.


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Author Biography

Pedro Paulo A. Funaril, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Full Professor, Department of History, IFCH, UNICAMP


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How to Cite

Funaril, P. P. A. (1999). Por uma graduação em história crítica e pluralista: reflexões sobre o curso de história da Unicamp. História & Ensino, 5, 127–135. https://doi.org/10.5433/2238-3018.1999v5n0p127


