Esse bom amigo, o livro: representações da leitura. Paraná (1880-1930)


  • Cláudio DeNipoti Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa



History of reading, History of Brazil, Reading.


This article presents some of the results of the research on reading in the past, done from sources in Paraná of the turn of the century. The article tries to understand how reading itself was understood and represented in the past, starting from local cases.


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Author Biography

Cláudio DeNipoti, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa

Professor in the Department of History, UEPG


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How to Cite

DeNipoti, C. (1999). Esse bom amigo, o livro: representações da leitura. Paraná (1880-1930). História & Ensino, 5, 7–22.


