Umbandist spatialities
Theorical notes for an analysis framework of religious ecstasy in light of Eliade and Jung’s archetype theories
Religion Geography, Religious Ecstasy, Umbanda, ArchetypesAbstract
The experience of individuals creates unique spatialities, which is not different in religion. In the case of Umbanda, this lived experiences is responsible for the construction of the sacred space. Taking as the starting point the particularities of this religion, the theorical research that gave risen to this work focused on the contribution of the archetype theories to understanding the religious ecstasy in Umbanda, inside the Geography field. To reach that goal, it was developed a theorical framework that passes through the relations between geography and religion; the singularities of the religious experience in Umbanda; the analysis of interactions between the archetype conceptions proposed by Eliade and Jung; and the expression of religious ecstasy in Umbanda. In this sense, it was understood that the umbandist rituals reveal archetypal manifestations inherit by the cultural resistance process that built the religion, and that express primordial desires of human existence. These symbolical spatialities has a deep impact in the culture and identity of the individuals that live them, which transcends the physical space dimension.
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