Environmental education in teaching Geography and combating nature degradation
Paisagem; Ensino de Geografia; Biodiversidade; Conservação da natureza.Abstract
This article aims to present an account of a pedagogical experience from the perspective of environmental education in the context of teaching Geography. This experience is inserted in the context of scientific pre-initiation, developed in the year 2022, in a state public school in the city of Adamantina/SP. It integrated elementary school II students through active methodologies through didactic sequences that provide a dynamic, problematized and contextualized character in the teaching and learning process, with openness to the creative process and research, with the objective of contemplating the transversal contemporary theme – Environment and Environmental Education, in accordance with the regulations present in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC). In the context of this work, the concept of landscape assumes centrality to subsidize the reading of the concrete reality of the lived space and for the formation of critical and proactive citizens in society. The use of photography as a methodological resource allowed students to be open to creativity, stimulating dialogical interaction, criticality and conceptual formation, through perceptive, cognitive and cultural mechanisms of individual or group perceptions of students. We believe that the action can inspire other professors to carry out activities aimed at restoring ecosystems and combating the degradation of nature.
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