Evidence of convergent construct validity of the Divided Attention Test - TEADI
attention, psychometry, validity evidences, psychological assessmentAbstract
The objective of the study was to search for evidences of convergent construct validity for the Test of Divided Attention (TEADI) by the correlation with the Tests of Divided Attention and Sustained Attention (AD and AS). 105 college students of a private institution of the state of Sergipe had participated of the research, from 18 to 53 years (M=24,95, SD =6,62), 41.9% male. The instruments had been applied collectively, with approach duration of 30 minutes. The results had evidenced correlations from moderate to high magnitudes between the TEADI and the measures of the AD, and low and null magnitudes between the TEADI and the measures of the AS. These data were expected, since the TEADI and the AD are proposed to evaluate the same type of attention, whereas the AS suggests to evaluate a different type, the sustained attention.Downloads
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