Work, workplace bullying and defensive strategies in public transportation
workplace bullying, work, work organization, defense strategiesAbstract
This study characterized workplace bullying and the aspects of the work context that favor this violence, and identified the defense strategies used by Urban Collective Transport workers in a capital city in the south of the country. In the quantitative stage, 382 workers answered the Moral Harassment Work Scale and questions related to violence, with subsequent statistical analysis. In the second stage, ten workers were interviewed and content analysis was carried out. The presence of hostile acts revealed frequent situations of abuse of power and the conditions and organization of work appeared as factors facilitating workplace bullying. The workers showed difficulties in structuring coping strategies and experienced their suffering alone. Defense strategies focused on keeping their jobs and not confronting violence. Portraying the work context of this category shows a scenario of naturalized violence and the disruption of the collective of workers
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Copyright (c) 2024 Júlia Gonçalves, Suzana da Rosa Tolfo, Leonor María Cantera Espinosa, Priscila Gasperin Pellegrini
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