The permanence of teriomorphic symbols in art and in the psyche
teriomorphic symbols, art, psyche, Aby WarburgAbstract
Teriomorphic symbols refer to animals. The importance they exercise can be demonstrated by the permanence of these symbols both in art (parietal paintings to contemporary graffiti) and in the psyche. The perpetuation of symbols and themes is dealt with by studies such as those by Aby Warburg in art history: Kulturgeschichte, Pathosformel and Mnemosyne. The recurrence of themes, emotions and behaviors reveals the perpetuation of symbols intertwined with culture. This symbolic recurrence, in psychic terms, is understood by C.G. Jung through the notions of archetype and collective unconscious. Contemporary authors of Warburg and Jung and their respective concepts, as well as the presentation of some works of art illustrate the importance of teriomorphic symbols. It is hypothesized that it is a psychic need to unite the biological nature, its instinctive desiring force with the sphere of the mind and the sense of being constantly renewed.
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