Adaptation of a program to prevent violence against children into a remote model
ACT program, prevention of child violence, remote versionAbstract
This is a transversal study about the process of adapting the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program to a remote version. The adaptation process consisted of four stages: (1) elaboration of the script with adaptations for application in the remote version; (2) evaluation of the proposal by six expert judges; (3) necessary modifications and alterations; and (4) integration of the results as part of the development of the final version. The results were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The modifications of the ACT Program in the remote version were considered adequate by the judges, with adaptations of activities being carried out through digital platforms, such as Google Meet, Google Forms, among other digital platforms. A suggestion was made regarding contacting governmental and non-governmental entities in order to include parents and caregivers who do not have access to equipment and technological support. This remote version will make possible the wide dissemination of the program, including caregivers from different parts of Brazil.
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