Teaching assistants in psychoanalysis subjects: experiences during the pandemic
psychoanalyst education, psychologist education, psychotherapist education, college students, higher educationAbstract
The literature on academic teaching assistants (TAs) is scarce in the area of psychology, especially when it comes to psychoanalysis. In this paper we investigate experiences inherent to the practices of psychology undergraduate TAs in disciplines with a psychoanalytical content, which occurred via the internet and during the pandemic. The study has a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative nature; 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The narratives illustrate the TAs’ activity as a relevant part in the scenario of continued education in psychoanalysis in the university environment. Under the restraints of the pandemic, the exercise of TA engenders genuine learning situations and instigates bonds between TAs, students and teachers. The study of the TA processes requires attention and is directly linked to the student’s future choices; in the studied sphere, these processes mobilize reflections towards the professional and academic exercise of psychoanalysis.
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