Issues about dating violence: an experience report
adolescent, violence, violence against womenAbstract
This is an experience report of an internship in Social Psychology carried out at an NGO in the south of the state of Santa Catarina. Issues raised in two specific meetings are addressed. The objective was to problematize violence that permeates dating and to present the protection network against violence against women. Approximately 80 young people participated in the meetings, divided into four groups. The meetings were fortnightly, lasting 1h30m. The typification’s of domestic violence, the cycle of violence, Maria da Penha Act and the ECA were addressed. The discussions demonstrated situations in which the violence is known, naturalized and, at times, considered legitimate. In addition, recognition of the cycle of violence was observed, in the personal and family spheres. They also sparked discussions about reducing the age of criminal responsibility, police violence and violence associated with mental disorders. We emphasize the importance of building spaces that enable problematization and denaturalization of situations of violence.
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