Building networks: therapeutic accompaniments in Recife – PE
clinical, social, mental health, professional training, psychologyAbstract
This research aimed to understand the clinical action of therapeutic companions (Ats) on social networks in the city of Recife – PE. We conducted a qualitative study, of an existential phenomenological nature with five Ats, using the collaborative narrative as an instrument. At first, individually, each participant expressed himself freely. Afterwards, we held a group meeting with the same participants. In the analysis of the narratives, Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics was used, comprising the clinic of Therapeutic Accompaniment in its different possibilities of clinical action with the specificities inherent to its field of action, from the experience of those who practice it. We realize that the Ats are inserted in the following segments: clinical follow-up focused on mental health - private or institutional -, training, supervision and research. Was found that they are operating segregated actions. In contrast, the Ats have desired for a defined place, including organization, institutionalization, formalization and professionalization.
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