Depressive symptoms, emotional self-regulation and family support: a study with children and adolescents
child depression, psychological assessment, child mental health.Abstract
Child depression leads to losses in different contexts of life, for both children and their families. The aim of the study was to verify the prevalence of depressive symptoms for a sample of schoolchildren and to search for the relationship between descriptors of depression, emotional self-regulation and perception of family support. As secondary objectives, we sought differences between sex and age. There were 546 children and adolescents, the majority (n = 276, 50.5%) boys, aged 8 to 18 years (M = 12.65, SD = 1.84). The instruments used were the Baptist Scale for Child Depression, the Battery for Children's Depression Indicators, the Emotional Self-Regulation Scale, and the Family Support Perception Inventory. The results indicated a prevalence of mild (4.8%), moderate (20.3%) and severe (15%) symptomatology. Depression was associated with difficulties of emotional self-regulation and perception of family support. It is concluded that the understanding of the expression of depressive symptomatology can contribute to early diagnosis and intervention.Downloads
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