Psychological well-being and buddhist meditation: an associative study
meditation, buddhism, psychology.Abstract
Buddhist meditation is widely studied mainly because of the benefits perceived by meditators. Although, when the subject is psychological well-being compared to the practice of Buddhist meditation literature is still little. The study verified the association between psychological well-being and indicators of involvement with meditation (time, frequency and meanings of practice for the life of the meditator) in two Vajrayana Buddhist meditation centers. 50 meditators (A= 41,2 years, SD =13,7), over 18 years of age and practicing for at least one full month, were evaluated. Data was collected through three self-report instruments, and subjected to descriptive analyzes. A positive relationship between the time of meditation and the self-acceptance domain of the well-being instrument was perceived, indicating that the years of meditative practice seem to be related to a greater self-knowledge and a greater positive attitude toward oneself.
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