Depressive syndrome: a study with patients and families in the context of chronic renal disease
depression, chronic renal failure, caregiversAbstract
In the context of chronic renal disease, one frequent comorbidity is depression, which is related to the adverse factors of the social environment or inherent to the treatment. In this research, we sought to measure depressive symptoms in chronic renal patients and their families, relating it to sociodemographic variables. Patients and their families answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (50 participants in each group). Almost 20% of the patients had depression, and the rate was greater among the single ones (50%). In the family members, the prevalence of depressive symptoms was 46%, and there was a positive correlation between the treatment duration and depression. The incidence of depression found among the patients’ families draws attention for psychosocial care attentions directed to this group, which is often underprivileged and unassisted by public health policies.Downloads
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