Eating behavior: a research concerning the relation between children’s BMI and their perception about parental feeding practices
parental feeding practices, body mass index, childhoodAbstract
Parental feeding practices are strategies used by parents while educating child's eating behavior, aiming to increase appropriate behaviors and reduce inappropriate ones. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between children’s perception of their parental feeding practices and their body mass index – BMI. The survey was cross-sectional and correlational type. Consisted of 114 children, 8-11 years, included via non-probability sampling, with the voluntary and anonymous participation by signing the Informed Consent Form and the Statement of Consent. Children were weighed, measured and answered the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire - Children Version (CFPQ). There were significant differences in parental feeding practices according to the BMI of the child: pressure to eat (p ? 0.01) and dietary restriction for weight (p ? 0.05). The research showed that there is a relation between the children’s BMI and the feeding practices to be used by parents.Downloads
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