Judicial psychology: Characterization of practice and instruments used
forensic psychology, professional profile, forensic psychological examinationAbstract
This study aimed to assess the formation profile and practice, as well as verification of the most instruments used by forensic psychologists and judicial. It is understood that this research will help further the understanding of the dynamics of work and possibilities for improvement. To this end, was designed a questionnaire consisting of 18 questions, 17 open and 1 closed. Despite the invitation to participate has been performed for many professionals, especially those active in forums in the state of São Paulo, the interviewed group was composed of eleven professionals, working in various areas relevant to the legal and forensic psychology, for over a year. The study showed that changes are necessary in the area about the low number of skilled professionals, as well as its recovery and further development of multidisciplinary research and also work, especially with regard to the relationship with the operators of law. As for future prospects, professionals are divided on the belief improvements. Some difficulties were encountered with regard to the search for specific articles on the practice of forensic psychology and judicial. Should be carried out more comprehensive research with other researchers' respondents.Downloads
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