The maintaining factor of Brazilian inflation post-Real

Empirical evidence based on an Autoregressive Markov Switching model




estrato-inflação, conflito distributivo, Markov Switching Autorregressivo


The present paper seeks to identify the occurrence, duration and transition probabilities of different inflation regimes in the post-Real Brazilian economy. The inflation theory used is inflation by distributive conflict, whose typifications of inflation are the equilibrium inflation regime and stratum-inflation.

The empirical investigation is carried out through an Autoregressive Markov Switching model and uses the monthly Brazilian IPCA (Index of Consumer Prices) inflation, from January 1995 to May 2023.

The obtained results indicate the occurrence of two inflation regimes, where the most persistent is the stratum-inflation regime. The transition probabilities show that given that it is in the stratum-inflation regime, the probability of transitioning from regime is relatively small, however, the probability of remaining in it is 98%. The duration of the stratum-inflation regime is fifty-one periods. Inflationary memory as an explanatory variable for present inflation is statistically significant and confirms the existence of a factor that maintains inflation


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Author Biography

Elianara Gomes dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

PhD student in Economics at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Master in Economics from the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL).


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How to Cite

Santos, E. G. dos. (2024). The maintaining factor of Brazilian inflation post-Real : Empirical evidence based on an Autoregressive Markov Switching model. Economia & Região, 12(3), 512–531.

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