Determinantes da participação feminina no mercado financeiro brasileiro entre 2018 e 2022
women, financial market , investmentAbstract
Despite being historically dominated by men, the Brazilian financial market has seen a significant increase in female participation in recent years. However, women's presence in this sector of the economy is still limited. Given this, the present study aims to identify the determinants of female participation in the Brazilian financial market between 2018 and 2022. The data source used is the survey entitled "The Profile of the Brazilian Investor," conducted by the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities (ANBIMA). The methodological approach employed is based on the empirical literature that addresses the intersection of gender and finance, and it involves applying a probit model. The main results indicate that being employed, having higher levels of education and family income have a positive correlation with women's propensity to make investments. On the other hand, the lower probability of participating in the Brazilian financial market is associated with characteristics such as women having more children and residing in the Northeast region. The findings suggest that it would be pertinent to include public policies for financial education for women, professional training for women, and family assistance in order to promote the inclusion of women in the financial market.
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