Measuring the participation of the port complex of Rio Grandein the local economy
Port Complex, Input Output Matrix, Economic ImpactsAbstract
Port activity is essential for the performance of the logistical process of a country or region and determinant in commercial relations, it is also considered a catalyst for economic expansion in regional terms. In this sense, the port of the municipality of Rio Grande is extremely important for the extreme south of Brazil, as it occupies the fourth national position in terms of cargo handling. Therefore, this paper aimed to analyze the economic impacts of the participation of the Rio Grande port complex on the local economy. In this way, anInput Output Matrix was estimated for the municipality, disaggregating port activities with RAIS microdata. The results indicated that port activities accounted for 18.12% of local GDP in 2015. In addition, each investment in the order of R$1 billion in the Rio Grande port complex adds R$3.64 billion in production to the local economy, R$3.21 billion in gross added value and 3020 direct and indirect jobs. In addition, each investment in the order of R$ 1 billion in the Rio Grande port complex adds R$ 3.64 billion in production to the local economy, R$ 3.21 billion in gross added value and 3020 direct and indirect jobs.
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