The mismatch between supply and demand of qualified workforce in the greater abc region of São Paulo: subsidies for local development strategies
Labor Market, Regional Development, Under-Education, Over-Education, Adequate EducationAbstract
The Greater ABC Paulista region is known for its characteristics related to the industrial activities and the importance it has in the national economic context. Seen in this terms, this article aims to understand the labor market in the region, from the point of view of supply and demand of qualified labor, in the period 2005 to 2014. With this purpose, the workers employed in the Greater ABC Paulista region were classified according to their education, considering data available on the “ASIR” and requirements for occupations in the labor market in accordance with the Brazilian Classification of Occupations – BCO. Thus, the workers were classified as "under-educated", "adequate" and "over-educated". The data were analyzed according to the following methods: Normative, Statistical, Income and Self-declared. The findings showed that, between the period 2005 to 2014, there was a mismatch between supply and demand of labor in the Greater ABC Paulista region.Downloads
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