Development and Economic Growth: a multivariable analysis of Cornélio Procópio’s microregion (Pr- Brazil) between 2010 and 2013
Growth, Regional Development, Paraná, Well-Being Growth, Cornélio Procópio, Well-BeingAbstract
The present study aims to analyze the development and economic growth, under the regional focus for the microregion of Cornélio Procópio, in Pioneer North of the State of Paraná, from 2010 to 2013. The research initially provided a conceptual discussion on growth and Economic development, underscoring the importance of this debate in times of economic stagnation. With this intent, a methodology based on a multivariate statistic was proposed, based on 32 variables, to evaluate the relative development of these municipalities, elaborating an indicator that indicates the conditions of economic development and allows an effective action of the political authorities. The result was relevant, since it showed that, although the state of Paraná is a relatively rich state, the study microregion has unequal municipalities in terms of economic development. Finally, to verify the relationship between development and income, a comparison was made between per capita income and the measured development score, which found a high degree of correlation.Downloads
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