Focus on care policy for children and adolescents: Federal Public Budget - Analysis of Multi-Year Plans
Public Budget, Pluriannual Plan, Treatment Politic for Children and AdolescentsAbstract
This article seeks to unveil the government planning, expressed in the PPA, and to know what is being planned for the Treatment Politic for Children and Adolescents, assuming the priority contained in the Statute of Children and Adolescents, enabling control of what is being planned and the demand for its implementation. Therefore, the objective of analyzing the Multiyear Plan for the years 2004 to 2007 and from 2008 to 2011 the Federal Government, with the scope to identify how the attendance policy to children and adolescents are being treated in government planning. For the research we opted for an approach that allows joint basic research quantitative and qualitative perspective of data integration. We performed a literature search on the public budget, then it was also used to document research, public documents related to the federal budget. The results presented in this article was that Pluriannual Plans from 2004 to 2007 and from 2008 to 2011 found themselves the focus on children and adolescents, primarily in the Politcs of Social Assistance and Education, whereas in the area of education the focus is on the two largest plans, thereby presenting government's intentions regarding this segment and how they will be met. There are no plans in both a call and differential priority to children and adolescents, but these appear included through programs targeted to Basic Education and Income Transfer Programs linked to Social Assistance.
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