Between cinema and politics: rethinking the authorship of Viva Zapata !, by Elia Kazan


  • Andréa Helena Puydinger de Fazio UNESP, Campus de Assis



Viva Zapata!, Elia Kazan, McCarthyism.


Characterized by Cold War tensions and the presence of House Un-American Activities Committe, the Hollywood from fifties tell, in its productions, stories of resistance and submission through a witch hunt atmosphere. The film Viva Zapata! (1952), which chronicles the history of the revolutionary Emiliano Zapata during the Mexican Revolution, dialogues with political and cultural issues from that moment. It was the first film by Elia Kazan released after his impeachment before the HUAC, becoming influenced by this fact – which directs their interpretations and political positioning, or even justifications from the director. This article proposes a different reading of Viva Zapata!, because we believe that this is a collective work of art, in which both Kazan, the writer John Steinbeck, as well as the main actors Marlon Brando and Anthony Quinn, have a direct participation. Therefore, we intend to discuss the question of authorship in the production of the cinematographic work in question in contrast to the political debate which marked his reading.


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Author Biography

Andréa Helena Puydinger de Fazio, UNESP, Campus de Assis

Master in History at UNESP, Campus de Assis


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How to Cite

Fazio, A. H. P. de. (2011). Between cinema and politics: rethinking the authorship of Viva Zapata !, by Elia Kazan. Domínios Da Imagem, 5(9), 33–50.



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