Children's education, Didactics, Games.Abstract
This article is an elementary theoretical-bibliographic research, whose main objective is to present an historical-descriptive article that deals with the playful-didactic character of games. In the order and in the reflective discursive spheres, we will emphasize the elements that base the playful games as didactic tools for the infant education. The methodology used in this article will only be bibliographic, theoretical and reflective. The concept of games Will be limited as culture, as a playful-didactic tool, and as an activity that is intrinsically linked to the competitive aspect in human beings in order to achieve collective and socio-cultural learning. Our basic theoretical framework starts in J. Huizinga (2001), and from it we will make dialectical connections with other theorists, namely: Neto (2004), Sousa (2015), Kuhlmann Júnior. (2000), Lima (2011) etc.
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