Coffe Table Book: History and narrative about the north of Paraná state in three photographic albums




Narrative, North of Paraná State, Coffee growing, Photo albums


This paper inquired the production of photographic albums by José Juliani (1967), Peter Scheier (1953) and Armínio Kaiser (2008), from which were selected images related to the history of the city of Londrina between 1930s and 1960s. Guided by the reflection of Barthes, Sontag, Flusser and Samain on photography, the meanings that images gives to historical time were investigated, since the aim of the albums were to witness and to remember. According to their reading intentions, were identified narrative forms on these documents: an antiquarian narrative, which makes the past indisputable; a heroic narrative, which tells the metamorphosis of time; a comic narrative, which sees the general in the particular.


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Author Biography

Rogério Ivano, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Doctor in History and Society by Universidade Estadual Paulista,
campus of Assisi. Associate Professor at the State University of Londrina


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How to Cite

Ivano, R. (2020). Coffe Table Book: History and narrative about the north of Paraná state in three photographic albums. Domínios Da Imagem, 14(27), 165–185.



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