The Alchymist in search of the Philosopher’s stone: “Alcheming” Science and Art from a Paintin
Visual language, Art, Science Education, Social SemioticsAbstract
This work combines Science and Art in order to extrapolate the production of senses and the meaning of a work of art. For such, the painting “The Alchymist, In Search of the Philosopher’s Stone, Discovers Phosphorus” (1771) by Joseph Wright was analyzed based on Grammar of Visual Design, which allowed to deduce about the centrality of the light in representational, compositional and interactional functions of the art piece. The debate of the technical characteristics of painting enables an aesthetic experience that is complemented by a historical mediation, the historical context in which the work was produced, and the extrapolation to a scientific interpretation. Historical and scientific aspects contribute for the discussion and aesthetic and emotional (re)action that overcome immediate and superficial notions about the painting, in order to widen cognitive, affective and aesthetic dimensions of the thinking. Therefore, both science and aesthetic (re)action in art require knowledge from a second approach, which may result in contributions to educational acts.Downloads
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