Aids in cinema: an analysis of the regime of imageness in the experimental film Blue




Regime of imageness, Blue, Cinema, HIV, Aids


This article analyzes the experimental feature film Blue (1993), by the British director Derek Jarman (1942-1994), based on the concept of regime of imageness, proposed by Rancière (2012). Methodologically based on film analysis and bibliographic review, this study investigates the relation between two elements in Jarman’s movie: the screen filled with the color International Klein Blue (IKB) and the narration of autobiographical phrases that contain the word blue, in the formulation of images that approach, in an anti- -reductionist way, the lives of people living with HIV/Aids. As a result, it is observed that, when the narration mentions the word blue, the viewer elaborates, through a gesture of interpretation, a mental image that is immediately assumed by the IKB omnipresent on the screen, favoring a wide approach about life with HIV/ Aids and, consequently, taking a critical look at the way commercial cinema usually presents the theme.


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Author Biography

Thiago Henrique Ramari, Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM

PhD in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature from UFMG, Belo Horizonte-MG.


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How to Cite

Ramari, T. H. (2020). Aids in cinema: an analysis of the regime of imageness in the experimental film Blue. Domínios Da Imagem, 14(27), 336–353.



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