Photos in the square: the production and uses of attestation photographs in the ex-vows of pilgrims in Aparecida (SP) between the decades of 1940-1980
Photography, Catholicism, Aparecida, romeiro.Abstract
This work proposes to analyze a set of photographic images collected in collections of families of residents of the northern region of the city of Londrina (PR) between the years 2009 and 2013, whose theme refers to the poses portrayed in the National Sanctuary of Aparecida (SP) between the years 1940 and 1980. The analysis in this article focuses on the network that produces images, their circulation, and the production of meanings. It is delimited in a historical section that aims to examine both the networks and the individuals responsible for the construction and maintenance of the photographic view on the spaces of faith in the Aparecida Sanctuary (SP).Downloads
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