Motion picture, representation, power relations: an analysis of the movie “Second Mother”




Images, Power, Social relations.


Our aim is to discuss power relations observing the images on the movie The second mother (Que Horas Ela Volta?, Anna Muylaert, 2015), constructed from social relationships that involves domestic work – represented by the character Val –, using the notion of power proposed by Foucault (1979, 2003). We seek to understand how power acts over the body of an individual, shaping social behaviour, also considering the role of culture in the process, dialoguing with authors as Elias (1990), Geertz (1989) and Morin (2011). Finally, we will observe how the mise-en-scène composition contributes to the production of sense in congruence with the filmic narrative.


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Author Biographies

Alisson Gutemberg, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

Professor in the Department of Social Communication at UFRN (DECOM / UFRN)

Tiago José Lima, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN

PhD in the Graduate Program in Social Sciences (PPGCS / UFRN). Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Media Studies (PPGEM / UFRN).


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How to Cite

Gutemberg, A., & Lima, T. J. (2017). Motion picture, representation, power relations: an analysis of the movie “Second Mother”. Domínios Da Imagem, 11(20), 298–310.



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