The facade of the church of the third order of Saint Francis of Assisi of são joão del-rei: a formal analysis
Minas Gerais, Baroque style, Formal analysesAbstract
The temple of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi of São João DelRei, built from the 1770s, as the congener of Ouro Preto, is one of the most celebrated examples of the “Minas Gerais Baroque”. This paper proposes a formal analysis of the frontage of that temple, from the point of view of the history of stylistic forms of Heinrich Wolfflin. Try to demonstrate that, despite the master-builder Francisco de Lima Cerqueira has not implemented the curved forms as designed by “Aleijadinho”, the Franciscan church adopted curvilinear forms characteristics of the Baroque style, and a pediment and a richly ornamented portal.Downloads
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