The dispute of the imaginary: the representations of cangaço in national cinema (1950)


  • Caroline Lima Santos Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)



History, Movies, “Cangaço”, Representations and imaginary.


The people’s imaginary over the folklore splinter group of the “cangaço”, inspired popular traditional poetry, songs, and several films, produced in Brazil. As a result, we invite the reader to think about the film Industry in the 1950s, starting with the film “O Cangaceiro (The Bandit)” by the movie maker Lima Barreto who with this motion picture launched a new film language, the western line. In the perspective of the imaginary what this article intends to do is to get through films like “O Cangaceiro (The Bandit)” and discuss the myth of “cangaço”, which is their way of living. This film has initiated ideas and representations that are linked; to the movement; its geographical area, the Brazilian Northeast; to issues related to violence; to the debate between the archaic and modern; and to the approaches given to the movement by their characters. This article focuses on the possibilities of the relationship cinema history, and the cinema itself as a source of research.


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Author Biography

Caroline Lima Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

Master in Regional and Local History from the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)


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How to Cite

Santos, C. L. (2010). The dispute of the imaginary: the representations of cangaço in national cinema (1950). Domínios Da Imagem, 4(6), 67–74.



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