Orality, teaching and images in the view of Túndalo


  • Adriana Maria de Souza Zierer Universidade Federal Fluminense




Visio Tnugdali (Visão de Túndalo), Education, Orality, Images.


Visio Tnugdali is an exemplum, a moral narrative with the task of convincing an audience through a moral lesson. The exempla were presented by religious preachers for the purpose of conversion. The narrative was produced in twelfth century by a Cistercian monk e translated to Portuguese in the fifteenth century (Visão de Túndalo), which shows its importance in the late Middle Ages. The pedagogical aspect is well highlighted by orality. It is through dialogue between the angel and Túndalo which are explained in detail the torments of addition related to shortages of sinners. The heavenly being also explains to the knight the motives for the elect to stay in the three areas of Paradise, the Walls of Silver, Gold and Precious Stones, according to their merit. In addition to talking with the rider Túndalo in order to convince him to become a good Christian, the manuscript also converses with the audience to whom the text was addressed through various levels of orality (Zumthor), with verbs such as listening, speak, tell. To reinforce the educational aspect of the exemplum are emphasized images related to the senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) in Paradise and Hell. The iconography of the late Middle Ages also confirms some descriptions of the afterlife topography shown in the visio.


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Author Biography

Adriana Maria de Souza Zierer, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Master and PhD in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense


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How to Cite

Zierer, A. M. de S. (2010). Orality, teaching and images in the view of Túndalo. Domínios Da Imagem, 4(6), 7–22. https://doi.org/10.5433/2237-9126.2010v4n6p7



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