Circulation of Flemish prints in the Viceroyalty of Peru: model transfer and inventiveness




Flemish engravings, Viceroyalty of Peru, Circulation and artistic transfers.


This paper intends to analyze the circulation of Flemish engravings on the territory of the Viceroyalty of Peru. We seek to present their role in the local artistic production, noting the dual perspective of the transfer of models and the creation of an iconographic repertoire for native artists. Moreover, it is interesting to notice when and how the artists were able to depart from these models, creating and inserting new elements.


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Author Biography

Flavia Galli Tatsch, Unicamp

PhD in History - Unicamp, Professor at UNIFESP


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How to Cite

Tatsch, F. G. (2015). Circulation of Flemish prints in the Viceroyalty of Peru: model transfer and inventiveness. Domínios Da Imagem, 9(17), 7–25.



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