The film Avatar under the gaze of complex thinking
Cinema, Ethics, Citizenship.Abstract
The article is an essay that aims at a comprehensive analysis, under the Complexity of Edgar Morin, of the film “Avatar”, considered as a semiotic and educational tool. It focuses on the principle of systemic Complex Thinking. From there, the film proved to be a fruitful text because it works like a school of life, allowing identification and projection of contemporary subjects to reflect on their psychosocial problems. “Avatar” has proved a rich analytical object, it allowed intertextual dialogue that explained that the struggle between the modern model inflexible and predatory, with new links relational and ethical, more fluid and complex contemporary. Director Cameron accuses an initial failure of the scientific and utilitarian model and, at the same time, the need to seek another more human way of relating to the world, which includes the nature and sociocultural habits in a systemic bias, resulting in a mode of being in the earthly world and solidarity.Downloads
Avatar_%28filme%29. Acesso em: 2 nov. 2012.
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