The yellow danger in comics: Captain America and anti-Japanese discourse in the United States during World War II
Comic books, Yellow peril, Captain America.Abstract
This paper aims to show how the comic books (HQ) constitute sources that, articulating image and text, have relations with the historical context in which they were produced, despite the fictional nature. In this sense, the comic Captain America, during Word War II, were utilized as instruments that rebuild the main elements diffused by anti-Japanese speech in United States, especially the issue of yellow peril, associated with the idea of imperialist and military thread. The comic books in focus assumed, in part, looks education function, rebuilding and legitimizing the war ideologies of US government. As sources, it was selected some covers produced in the analyzed conjuncture, due to their importance as reading protocol. From epistemological perspective, it was adopted the concepts of representation and appropriation proposed by Roger Chartier, as well as the procedures for the interpretation of images as documents for historical research.Downloads
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