New Realism and Situationist International: a study of the questioning of the pictorial image by the French neo-avant-garde


  • Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
  • Tiago Machado Jesus Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências - FFLCH-USP.



Neo-Avantgarde, New Realism, Situacionism.


In middle of the decade of 1950, the field of the art would know a new phenomenon with the sprouting of what Peter Bürger baptized of groups of “neo-avantgarde”. According to author, “neovanguardas” recouped the fight of the historical vanguards against “the organic” work of art and the autonomy of the “institution art”. Our objective is to rescue the historical direction of some of these experiences, mainly in France with the New Realism and the Situacionism International. It is treated, over all, to point out as these experiences search to bring up to date the field of the visuality contemporary in the plastic arts, appointmente in scene the putative autonomy of the pictorial plan through the use of elements that start to integrate the daily life in the advanced capitalism.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Ferreira Zacarias, Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

Bachelor of History Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

Tiago Machado Jesus, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências - FFLCH-USP.

Master and PhD student in Social History at FFLCH-USP.


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How to Cite

Zacarias, G. F., & Jesus, T. M. (2014). New Realism and Situationist International: a study of the questioning of the pictorial image by the French neo-avant-garde. Domínios Da Imagem, 3(5), 67–82.



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