The study of the symbolism of the gorgoneion figured in the Greek shields through the painted attic pottery. 6th and 5th centuries BC


  • Patrícia Boreggio do Valle Pontin Universidade de São Paulo, MAE-USP.



Greek shield, Ancient Greece, Greek imagery, Gorgoneion.


This article aims a systematic study of the emblems depicted on the Greek shields, especially gorgoneion. Our goal is to better understand the nature of this defensive equipment and the disposition of the ancient Greeks towards war.


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Author Biography

Patrícia Boreggio do Valle Pontin, Universidade de São Paulo, MAE-USP.

PhD in Archeology from the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology, Universidade de São Paulo. Post-doctoral student in Historical Archeology at MAE-USP.


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How to Cite

Valle Pontin, P. B. do. (2014). The study of the symbolism of the gorgoneion figured in the Greek shields through the painted attic pottery. 6th and 5th centuries BC. Domínios Da Imagem, 3(4), 93–106.



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