Critical appraisal of the application of the consent decree as a regulatory instrument of capital market


  • Vinicius Figueiredo Chaves UERJ; UNESA
  • Abel Rafael Soares UNESA



capital market, regulation, administrative sanctioning proceedings, consent decree.


Supported by literature research, document and data collection, it is carried out an approach to the legal regulation of capital market, based on the review of regulatory instrument known as consent decree. It was noticed that, in accordance with Article 11, § 5º of Law Nº. 6.385/76, the rules issued by Brazilian Securities and Exchange Comission (CVM), which governs administrative sanctioning proceedings in ordinary and summary rites, prescribe that, when summons to an accused, a warning they may propose a term of commitment will follow. Anyways, once an offer is accepted and an agreement is in place, it does not imply into a confession to the facts nor a recognition of the illicit nature of investigated conduct. As of the examination of already established administrative sanctioning proceedings between 2009 and 2014, it is found total number of 405 terms approved by the regulator, results that feature a wide use of this regulatory instrument. From all that is analyzed, it is concluded that, although such an agreement can be recognized as an important mechanism in the context of capital market regulation, its excessive use implies to a distortion of its purposes, of foundations of normative discipline of the market, and of the set of functions assigned to the CVM.


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Author Biographies

Vinicius Figueiredo Chaves, UERJ; UNESA

Doctor Student in Law (Business and Economic Activities) UERJ. Master in Public Law and Social Evolution by UNESA. Postgraduate in Business Law from FGV. Graduated in Law from UCAM. tenured professor in the Department of Private Law at UFF / VR. Professor and researcher at UNESA. E-mail:

Abel Rafael Soares, UNESA

Master in Public Law and Social Evolution by UNESA. Postgraduate in Civil Procedural Law from UCAM. Graduate degree in Real Estate Law by UNESA.



How to Cite

Chaves, V. F., & Soares, A. R. (2016). Critical appraisal of the application of the consent decree as a regulatory instrument of capital market. Revista Do Direito Público, 11(1), 61–84.


