Exclusion of tax on goods-ICM circulation operations of the contribution calculation basis for social-COFINS financing


  • Marlene Kempfer Bassoli UEL
  • Wylton Carlos Gaion UEL




Exclusion, ICM, Calculation basis, COFINS.


This article aims to examine the issue of inclusion of ICM in the COFINS tax base, a very important theme in the current legal scenario, before the trial in the Supreme of Extraordinary Appeal Court No. 240785-MG and Direct Action of Constitutionality . No. 18, the initiative of the Presidency, through the Attorney General's Office from the above we can reach results: a) it was noted that the tax on movement of goods does not fall within the terms "revenue" and "income" both contribution calculation base for financing the social security COFINS; b) the inclusion of ICM in the COFINS tax base does not respect the constitutional rule-matrix COFINS. It concludes that the inclusion of tax on goods-ICM circulation in the contribution calculation base for financing the social-COFINS security is in direct conflict with the constitution, with the Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of such inclusion, consider legal aspects and judging by the unconstitutionality of such a procedure and not to get carried away by political and economic concept and put in "check" the constitutional supremacy.


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Author Biographies

Marlene Kempfer Bassoli, UEL

Graduated in Law from Curitiba Law School (1981), a Masters in Law from the Catholic University of São Paulo (1995) and a PhD in Law from the Catholic University of São Paulo (2002). Is currently ADJ-D professor at the State University of Londrina, working in undergraduate, specialization and the Master's in Negotiation Law. Is professor at the University of Marilia-SP undergraduate and master's degree. Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana -Campus Londrina. He is a member of the Special Tax Law Commission - OAB and Regional Representative of the Committee Stage and OAB-PR Order Exam. Works in public law, with emphasis in Tax Law, Administrative and Constitutional.

Wylton Carlos Gaion, UEL




How to Cite

Bassoli, M. K., & Gaion, W. C. (2008). Exclusion of tax on goods-ICM circulation operations of the contribution calculation basis for social-COFINS financing. Revista Do Direito Público, 3(3), 197–219. https://doi.org/10.5433/1980-511X.2008v3n3p197


