International adoption in the Brazilian legal system: an examination in the light of the constitutional principle of human dignity


  • João Carlos Leal Júnior State University of Londrina
  • Natália Taves Pires Salesian University Center of Araçatuba - SP



Adoção, Adoção Internacional, Adolescente, Criança, Dignidade da Pessoa Humana, Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.


Objective, at first, speak about the institution of adoption and its prominence within society, notably as a way to mitigate the number of children and adolescents who are left to abandon in charities, either because they are orphans, or even because unwanted by their parents, being deprived of family life. Analyzes this topic in the light of the constitutional principle of human dignity is the cornerstone of Brazilian law. Empties finally in international headquarters, the main issue to be addressed, is pondering about the conveniences and disadvantages arising from such a mode.


Author Biographies

João Carlos Leal Júnior, State University of Londrina

Student of Law and researcher at the State University of Londrina- PR; Trainee in Public Ministry from Paraná.

Natália Taves Pires, Salesian University Center of Araçatuba - SP

Lawyer; master in law from the University Euripides Soares da Rocha - SP; guiding core practice of the Salesian University Center of Araçatuba - SP.



How to Cite

Leal Júnior, J. C., & Pires, N. T. (2008). International adoption in the Brazilian legal system: an examination in the light of the constitutional principle of human dignity. Revista Do Direito Público, 3(1), 30–42.


