In via: Francis, the Franciscans and their places in the world
History of architecture and urbanism, Religious architecture, Space and history, Iconography, Material cultureAbstract
Francis sought poverty and the dispossession of material goods. However, the passage from the saint's life to the construction of the Franciscan order itself meant that these goals were the object of many disputes. From the pilgrimages to the fixed headquarters, between the hermitage and the city, aspects about the materiality of the seraphic experience in relation to your home in the world will be discussed. Attention will be given to the places that the Franciscans occupied, focusing in particular on the situation of the convent in the urban context, both with regard to the medieval location, as well as the precepts of the implantation of houses and their attributes in city life. It will consider significant facts that occur from the period understood by the saint's life to episodes in the history of the Order in its expansion process in the following centuries, from the context of Assisi towards the world.
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