Demobilization and social reintegration of Brazilian and American troops of World War II: a comparative study




World War II. United States. Brazil. Demobilization. War Veterans.


The aim of this work is to discuss the results of a comparative study of demobilization and social reintegration of Brazilian and American veterans of World War II. . In spite of the obvious difference in scale of the two military experiences, I argue that the study of the two experiences can offer new insights into lights on various common issues to both countries: the relationship between the societies and their armed forces, between the governments and their citizens, social and racial inequalities and, finally, the experiences of building welfare state structures during the war and postwar periods. Based on international studies of demobilization and social integration war veterans, the variables that were decisive for the success or failure of adaptation were: a) past experiences in the reintegration of war veterans; b) the nature and consequences of recruitment of future veterans; c) planning by the State and the Armed Forces of procedures for post-bellum demobilization and reintegration; d) the implementation of demobilization and the effects within the military institution and in civil society.


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Author Biography

Francisco Cesar Alves Ferraz, Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL

Doctor in Social History from the University of São Paulo. Associate Professor at the State University of Londrina.


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How to Cite

FERRAZ, Francisco Cesar Alves. Demobilization and social reintegration of Brazilian and American troops of World War II: a comparative study. Antíteses, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 13, p. 467–492, 2014. DOI: 10.5433/1984-3356.2014v7n13p467. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.